Ciao dolcine!
Eccomi qui con un nuovo outfit, FINALMENTE!
Le foto mi sono state fatte da una fotografa strabrava e le adoro moltissimo.
Sotto come al solito vi lascio le informazioni a ogni capo che indosso e il link alla pagina facebook della fotografa, andate a sbirciare ASSOLUTAMENTE merita tantissimo!
Bene mie care donzelle, vi lascio alle foto!
Hello sweetness!
Here I am with a new outfit, FINALLY!
The pics were taken by a good photographer and I love them very much.
Below, as usual, I'll leave the details to each garment I wear and the link to the facebook page of the photographer.
Well my dear maidens, I leave you to the photos!
Here I am with a new outfit, FINALLY!
The pics were taken by a good photographer and I love them very much.
Below, as usual, I'll leave the details to each garment I wear and the link to the facebook page of the photographer.
Well my dear maidens, I leave you to the photos!
Skirt: Romwe
Crop top: Brandy&Melville
Socks: Choies
Shoes: Creepers
M.U.A.: Francesca Nolli
Photography: Viviane Izzo (
Lights and retouching: Giovanni Mattei
♡ Tanti bacini ♡
I am so impressed